Further coverage of the Avery Doninger Case
Rick Green at The Hartford Courant writes a good analysis of the Avery Doninger case entitled, Ruling On Blog Rant Troubling.
These days, the vulgarities are found in IMs, e-mails, voice mails and blog postings that bounce around cyberspace, a realm that extends far beyond the classroom.
And now it may well be the government's business what your kid writes in some out-of-the-way blog, even if it's done in your home.
Scott H. Greenfeld, Esq. has a long, well thought out post about the case at Simple Justice: Student Speech Slides Further Downhill. It is hard to pick out the best quote from his entry, there are so many of them. Please, stop by and read his whole post. For a quote that gives you a good flavor of it:
Avery used the weapons that all true Americans should use, the power of thought and ideas as disseminated through word and deed. We don't have to like her choice of words, but we can't dismiss them because we would have preferred other words.
Norm Pattis at Crime and Federalism touches on the broader issues in Blogger Beware.
In it, he writes,
In the meantime, the Doninger case raises interesting questions. If a lawyer, for example, criticizes a judge on a blog page, and even calls for his resignation, as was done here recently, is the lawyer subject to discipline?
And of course, Andy Thibault at Cool Justice continues to explore many aspects of the case from Freedom of Information issues to taxpayer issues. Of particular note is his entry, Travesty.
I will continue to cover this as the case continues and I would encourage everyone to do what they can to help cover the costs of defending freedom of speech. If you have a blog, please consider adding the fundraising widget.